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[SPOILERS !!!] Tout sur l'histoire

Selina Wayne
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Message par whedoniste 2005-06-02, 15:13


Bonjour a tous c'est mon premier poste ici
Comment cadeau de bienvenue je vous offre une news toute fraiche

Recently - I managed to get an eye on some of what Singer is planning with SUPERMAN RETURNS and tonally it is very much following Richard Donner's film, save in how it concerns Luthor, which was painfully camp. His story has the emotional anchor between Lois & Clark of the ol failure to communicate. Clark goes galavanting off into the heavens on a multi-year (Earth Time) search, while time passes on Earth. If you remember Margot's Lois *****ed at Supes for being gone when her car ran out of gas, imagine what she'd do if he disappeared for a month or two... or 3 years or more?

The world has gotten used to not having the Man of Steel, they've grown to resent the dependance they felt on him to "save us". It's really dealing with what SUPERMAN would mean to the world, and what it would mean if he simply left us one day to fend for ourselves. I mean - think about it. Would 9/11 happen in a Superman reality? And if he left and 9/11 did happen, wouldn't we resent him for it happening?

The action is huge. I don't want to spoil one of the huge action beats that's in this... but it comes when Lex, having stolen something Kryptonian... an object we're all familiar with, does something twisted and scientific to it, then uses it completely without thinking of the possible side effects which are... world altering in scale... something that only a Superman could lessen the impact of. Then on the small scale side of the film... They're thinking of new ways to show Superman's invulnerable nature. Again, without spoiling it... they're thinking about bullets and the most fragile parts of the human anatomy to give you a sense of just what invulnerable means. It really does amount to a "Holy ****" moment. My spy, "Sepo" says, "It's all pretty ****ing cool. The ****ing action is awesome!"

source aintitcool:
si quelqu'un pourrait traduire se serait sympas.
Moi ce que j'ai retenu c' est que Luthor ne sera pas aussi drole et guinolesques que dans les anciens films(il sera + vilains).
Je travaille au Daily Planet...

Nombre de messages : 130
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2005

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Message par SUPERMAG 2005-06-02, 23:03

la bienvenue à toi !!!
Sinon pour la trad, un volontaire ou je m'y colle ?

Nombre de messages : 3556
Age : 51
Localisation : Près de Paris (France)
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2004


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Message par kryptoncorp 2005-06-03, 15:19

t arrive et tu traduis sinon tu dégages!!excusez moi pour l impoletesse mais c est le genre de trucs qui m enerve.SEB tu le sais....!!!

"Un Jour, j'ai vu Superman"

Nombre de messages : 98
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2004

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Message par LeMartien 2005-06-03, 15:35

euh.... y a une révolte en ce moment sur forum ou.... ?
Homme d'acier

Nombre de messages : 2000
Age : 42
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Date d'inscription : 12/10/2004


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Message par SUPERMAG 2005-06-03, 16:51

ok, je posais juste la question pour savoir si quelqu'un voulez m'aider sur ce coup là m'enfin, à priori c'est pas poli de demander !... ok autant pour moi... je demanderais plus, je m'executerais :

En gros, pour résumer, le film reprend le ton donné par Donner, les habitants de metropolis sont habitués à vivre sans leur héros disparu depuis des années, quand à Lex, il devrait utiliser un objet kryptonien familier de tous et en rapport avec l'invunérabilité de notre héros et le tout avec un maximum d'action !!!

Merci à vous... Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green

Dernière édition par le 2005-06-03, 16:59, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 3556
Age : 51
Localisation : Près de Paris (France)
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2004


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Message par LeMartien 2005-06-03, 16:57

cheers thumright

Bravo heureusment que tu es là pour faire le sale boulot :p
Homme d'acier

Nombre de messages : 2000
Age : 42
Localisation : 94
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2004


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Message par whedoniste 2005-06-03, 18:05

Merci pour la traduc Supermag Smile
Mais tu oublie le plus important Twisted Evil
Lex ne sera pas aussi Bouffon que celui de Hackman Mr.Red (plus proche du Lex du comics)
Je travaille au Daily Planet...

Nombre de messages : 130
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2005

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Message par taram 2005-06-03, 18:25

kryptoncorp a écrit:t arrive et tu traduis sinon tu dégages!!excusez moi pour l impoletesse mais c est le genre de trucs qui m enerve.SEB tu le sais....!!!

Shocked et tes ki pour parler comme ca a celuii ki as fait ce forum
si t es po content tu traduis et c est tout
kel impolitesse Evil or Very Mad
Informateur pour Lex Luthor

Nombre de messages : 252
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2005

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Message par taram 2005-06-03, 18:27

taram a écrit:
kryptoncorp a écrit:t arrive et tu traduis sinon tu dégages!!excusez moi pour l impoletesse mais c est le genre de trucs qui m enerve.SEB tu le sais....!!!

Shocked et tes ki pour parler comme ca a celuii ki as fait ce forum
si t es po content tu traduis et c est tout
kel impolitesse Evil or Very Mad
seb je te trouvre bien gentil sur le coup mais ca fé ken meme 2 messages k il ecrit en gueulant !!!!
Informateur pour Lex Luthor

Nombre de messages : 252
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2005

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Message par LeMartien 2005-06-03, 18:29

Avec Seb on a prévu de le fouetter aux orties kryptoniennes
Homme d'acier

Nombre de messages : 2000
Age : 42
Localisation : 94
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2004


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Message par whedoniste 2005-06-03, 18:30

Qu'on le bannisse Twisted Evil et qu'on le pende sur la place public Mr. Green
Je travaille au Daily Planet...

Nombre de messages : 130
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2005

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Message par SUPERMAG 2005-06-03, 23:32

whedoniste a écrit:Merci pour la traduc Supermag Smile
Mais tu oublie le plus important Twisted Evil
Lex ne sera pas aussi Bouffon que celui de Hackman Mr.Red (plus proche du Lex du comics)

ah ouais t'as pas tort, là, je suis impardonnable !! rambo

Nombre de messages : 3556
Age : 51
Localisation : Près de Paris (France)
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2004


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Message par whedoniste 2005-06-04, 17:08

Very Happy Me revoilou petite en + sur les fx du film:

Digital Eye: The Shape of Blockbuster VFX to Come
This month's Digital Eye has Peter Plantec giving the down low info on the big visual effects to come in 2005.

I expected to do a brief survey of all the summer blockbusters here, but that’s not how it turned out. As I started to investigate, I ran into a wall of security like never before. To give you anything meaningful was going to take an extraordinary effort. So I decided to dig deeper and started picking up useful info on a number of important films, including one that stretches beyond 2005.

Clearly new vfx magic is providing a launching pad for remakes. Old effects films like War of the Worlds and King Kong are being brought back with a vengeance. Steven Spielberg, who, in the past, has embraced nice aliens, this time not only takes Barre Lyndon’s original script to heart but especially the source novel by H.G. Wells. Expect truly nasty aliens this go-round. You may recall that WOW started out as a Wells book that became a notorious Orson Welles Mercury Theater radio broadcast in 1938 that people thought was real. It caused mass panic throughout the East coast. My family lived only a stone’s throw from the center of the attack in New Jersey. Oh, the stories they tell. Spielberg has filmed it as a personal journey as a metaphor for 9/11. You’re going to see a lot of POV shots where he normally might have used crane and copter shots.

Standing where I am on the hill, it seems like a possible rebirth of the vfx film this season — a new synergy of vfx/story/acting/art direction /direction. I’m hoping that contemporary moviemaking has matured to the point where producers and directors understand that story is king and all the rest, merely servants. Trust me, great vfx are easier to come up with than great story. Great story is rare and beautiful and we must bow before it.

Before you start throwing shoes, let me explain. Story starts with a blank piece of paper (virtual these days) and the writer must come up with a complex, perfectly developed vision that will entrance readers whole cloth. We —inspired by that great story, great previs and serious art direction —and ultimately the director’s eye, dig deep inside our creative and technical selves, and come up with our fantastic visuals that keep people coming back time after time to be immersed. It’s been said ad infinitum, but truly: film is the ultimate collaborative medium.

There appear to be many great films coming up, but these are the ones that intrigue me the most. You can tell by the amount of detail…so enjoy:

Cut straight to SR:

Superman Returns
Director Bryan Singer was the third choice of Warner Bros after Brett Ratner and McG. for Superman Returns. Normally that looks a little like disaster. But it looks like Singer, who did such an awesome job on the X-Men movies, and who knows vfx from the ground up, is the right man for the job.

Previs has been assigned to Pixel Liberation Front and a large portion of the vfx to Sony Pictures Imageworks (sharing with Rhythm & Hues, The Orphanage and Rising Pictures) with Maya plus plug-ins being the main 3D suite. Good choices.

Panavision sent over its new working prototype “Genesis” digital camera for Bryan to play with. There was some discussion about the shots taking too long to get to editing…which makes no sense to me. I’m hoping they work out the bugs. I saw the first test shots of the farmhouse up in Tamworth — set at sunrise — and they looked great to me. With this camera you start out with the DI ready for vfx…cool.

Genesis is the future. It was designed as a hand held direct to DI camera, incorporating proprietary gamma and colorimetry, which enables seamless intercutting with standard 35mm emulsions. It should be great from a DP’s POV with a nominal ISO sensitivity of 400 that can be easily extended to ISO 1600 for low light situations, with relatively low noise…pretty amazing. It has a whapping 35mm, 12.5 megapixel sensor. Talk about HD! The chip was designed that size so that the Genesis could use all Panavision’s regular PRIMO primes, and zoom lenses. Shutter angles from 0.8 to 360° and frame rates from 1 to 50fps were designed-in to enable compatibility with Panavision’s regular family of film cameras. The Genesis is built by Sony exclusively for Panavision. I’m pretty sure that Bryan is going to shoot most of the film with the Genesis.

Bryan realizes that Metropolis is one of the key characters and we don’t want to mess it up with the reality of New York. BTW, does this “city is really one of the characters” idea strike you as a trend here? Indeed. Creating any of these famous cities has more to do with art direction and digital vfx than anything real. It could as easily be done in Prague. These are escapist movies…smart directors create a believable city that isn’t too real — even Nolan. Otherwise, they’d forego the vfx and just shot in Vancouver. With vfx we have control over Metropolis, everything from the weather to the city’s style and mood.

From a practical point of view Bryan had the sfx team, headed by Neil Courbould, build the most massive computer-controlled multi-axis hydraulic Gimbal platform that I’ve ever seen. It took 11 weeks to build and is controlled via a game-like joystick, and all the motion control data is sent back and forth between the computer and the Gimbal through a very tiny cable that moves with the gambol via pulleys, and through a series of Teflon roller guides. If the wire breaks, the entire Gimbal with its 20-ton steel platform, will hopefully glide to its default horizontal position, but as I understand it, this has not been fully tested.

Because the platform must make some pretty radical shakes, it appears to me to be turbocharged by some sort of high-pressure gas. You can see a large bank of red gas cylinders under the rig. Neil says the crew takes great pleasure in watching the faces of extras as they take their first ride on this monstrosity. You’ll see those honestly frightened faces in the movie.

The huge and remarkably detailed Daily Planet set with more that 35 miles of cables, is beautifully art directed to look both modern and still retain that 1950’s Superman feeling. And if you look very closely you’ll see the “Bryan Singer Award” as one of the plaques on the wall above one of the desks. I don’t know if you’ll actually be able to make it out in the final cut. The same building is, of course, available in both CG and large-scale miniature. Mostly, the practical set is for the hero building. For the crowd scenes, they’ve put a false Art Deco front on a modern Sydney building where they can garbage matt out the modern building and composite in the CG version.

I am old enough to remember Superman on TV when they simulated flying by having the actor stand in front of a fake cloth sky that was hung sideways and had a fan blow down on him from above to flutter his cape. It was a lock off shot, and you could see the backdrop rustling along with his cape. But I liked the flying stuff in Superman with Christopher Reeve, another great vfx film co-written by my mentor, Lorenzo Semple Jr.

As for the flying sequences, Courbould says: “If they can do it physically, it’s the best way, but if we can’t, the vfx team can help us out. It’s a blend of all these elements and what we really want, is for the audience to say…’how did they do that?’” So the sfx crew has built the most advanced greenscreen flying set ever conceived in a huge Quonset-like studio, hijacking ideas from decades of film flying experience plus a few new ones, as well, including some impressive flight control rigs.

Everybody seems to agree that this is going to be an extraordinary blend of practical and digital vfx. That remains to be seen next year, but there has been a very high level of synergy among the various teams.

Meanwhile, there’s a lot more promising vfx films coming this year, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe. So perhaps I’ll do another installment down the road.

Source vfxworld.com

PS; ne t'inquiet pas supermag je ne vais pas te demander de traduire tongue
C'est beaucoup trop long Mr.Red
Je travaille au Daily Planet...

Nombre de messages : 130
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2005

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Message par SUPERMAG 2005-06-04, 18:31

whedoniste a écrit:Very Happy Me revoilou petite en + sur les fx du film:

PS; ne t'inquiet pas supermag je ne vais pas te demander de traduire tongue
C'est beaucoup trop long Mr.Red

Pas mal et merci pour lui !... Wink

Nombre de messages : 3556
Age : 51
Localisation : Près de Paris (France)
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2004


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Message par kryptoncorp 2005-06-05, 17:52

si vous voulais me lyncher ok,mais lyncher moi a la kryptonite rouge(elle speede bien!!).sorry les gars mais c bon un peu de dawa (croyais moi c gentil).le dernier blog promet.la balle de base-ball ou le ballon de foot singer se trompe pas on tape en plein dans l univers du superhero .par contre on voit brandon routh dans la ferme des kent.je pensais qu'on ne le verrai qu a metropolis et que se serai stephen bender qui assurerai toute la partie background...........a quand une version complete du scenar?mystere et boule de gomme...

"Un Jour, j'ai vu Superman"

Nombre de messages : 98
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2004

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Message par SUPERMAG 2005-06-05, 23:14

kryptoncorp a écrit:si vous voulais me lyncher ok,mais lyncher moi a la kryptonite rouge(elle speede bien!!).sorry les gars mais c bon un peu de dawa (croyais moi c gentil).le dernier blog promet.la balle de base-ball ou le ballon de foot singer se trompe pas on tape en plein dans l univers du superhero .par contre on voit brandon routh dans la ferme des kent.je pensais qu'on ne le verrai qu a metropolis et que se serai stephen bender qui assurerai toute la partie background...........a quand une version complete du scenar?mystere et boule de gomme...

personne lynche personne ici, on est entre gens bien et civilisés (quoique...) !!!! Laughing

quand au scénario complet ou l'adaptation comics intégrale, ça devrait être dispo dans une dizaine de mois !... Mr.Red

Nombre de messages : 3556
Age : 51
Localisation : Près de Paris (France)
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2004


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Message par routhfan 2005-06-08, 13:45

Selina Wayne a écrit:Quand vous dites"Richard piloté l'avion"!! et bien ce n'est pas ça!! c'est "l'avion où se trouvé Richard!!" Mr.Red

apparement c'est bien "l'avion piloté par richard " car j'ai lu quelque part que white était un pilote

Informateur pour Lex Luthor

Nombre de messages : 252
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2004

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Message par Selina Wayne 2005-06-08, 20:07

"Smallville"/"Superman" Story Links
Posted: Wednesday June 8th, 2005 7:32pm
Source: Krypton Knight
Author: Garth Franklin

Krypton Knight has received exclusive new spoilers regarding the upcoming "Superman Returns" film which has connections to the "Smallville" Season 5 premiere:

"Apparently, Clark is going to take the ship that landed in Commencement to the Fortress during this season and that is what he will use later in life when he leaves Earth after Superman II. He will then make his return to Earth in a similar ship of the one from Superman the Movie, the "crystal" ship.

Also, I have heard of plans of having what emerges from the "Smallville" ship wear a "black" Superman suit. This is the same suit Clark will use in the movies. In Smallville he will not wear it but what comes out of the ship will have it on."

Meanwhile, "Smallville" executive producers Al Gough and Miles Millar were sited on the set of "Superman Returns" recently, click here for more information.
Selina Wayne
Selina Wayne
Je travaille au Daily Planet...

Nombre de messages : 165
Localisation : Dans les rues de Gotham City!!!!
Date d'inscription : 18/04/2005

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Message par v-ger-06 2005-06-08, 20:10

mouais ,ca sent l'intox tout ca Evil or Very Mad
Informateur pour Lex Luthor

Nombre de messages : 280
Localisation : Nice
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2005

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Message par Selina Wayne 2005-06-08, 20:23

Je peux juste t'assurer qu'ils ont bel et bien passer 4 jours sur le tournage de Superman Returns!!Pkoi??!! Question Razz
Selina Wayne
Selina Wayne
Je travaille au Daily Planet...

Nombre de messages : 165
Localisation : Dans les rues de Gotham City!!!!
Date d'inscription : 18/04/2005

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Message par v-ger-06 2005-06-08, 20:29

en tous cas ,ca confirme mes craintes de voir un traitement a la smallville pour ce film..
Informateur pour Lex Luthor

Nombre de messages : 280
Localisation : Nice
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2005

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Message par Selina Wayne 2005-06-08, 20:50

Moi je "wait and see"...........ils doivent kan mêm savoir ce qu'ils font!!! dwarf rabbit
Selina Wayne
Selina Wayne
Je travaille au Daily Planet...

Nombre de messages : 165
Localisation : Dans les rues de Gotham City!!!!
Date d'inscription : 18/04/2005

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Message par SUPERMAG 2005-06-08, 20:51

v-ger-06 a écrit:en tous cas ,ca confirme mes craintes de voir un traitement a la smallville pour ce film..

moi pas, Singer va pas se laisser emmerder par les deux zygotos (qui aimerait aussi garder 'leur bébé' comme il l'imagine depuis le début de la série, m'enfin !...

Nombre de messages : 3556
Age : 51
Localisation : Près de Paris (France)
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2004


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Message par v-ger-06 2005-06-08, 20:53

.ils doivent kan mêm savoir ce qu'ils font!!
comme quand il nous ont pondu cette suite a superman III ?
ou batman forever?
Informateur pour Lex Luthor

Nombre de messages : 280
Localisation : Nice
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2005

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Message par SUPERMAG 2005-06-08, 20:59

v-ger-06 a écrit:
.ils doivent kan mêm savoir ce qu'ils font!!
comme quand il nous ont pondu cette suite a superman III ?
ou batman forever?

ben faut dire que les producteurs recherchent avant tout le profit sur la création non ?...

Nombre de messages : 3556
Age : 51
Localisation : Près de Paris (France)
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2004


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